Categories Home Improvements

Interior design trends that are always in vogue

What are interior design trends anyway? It’s the glue that holds all of the design elements together in interior design and gives soul to the entire project. It can be a pretty vague concept to consider but not to worry, we’ve broken them down into easy and digestible pieces for you.

Although these trends change from time to time, a lot of them are built on core principles that never really go out of style. It’s easy to get lost in the fuzzy details of what’s in and what’s out but some of them are mainstays and are actually in for the long haul. And we’ve got pictures of our actual renovations that can back them up! You’ll be on to designing your own trendy interiors in no time.

Cool colors are always in!

If there’s one thing that will always play a crucial role in the direction that your interior design trend goes, it would have to be the colors that you incorporate. Your color choices can literally make or break your renovation and redecoration efforts so you need to choose wisely.

Cool colors have always been a trend and we don’t see them going away anytime soon because they evoke emotions and can convey whatever mood or vibe you have envisioned for the space quite easily. Take this living room space we’ve redesigned, for example.

The cool shades of grey in the L-shaped couch complement quite comfortably with the sage green accent wall that spans the space. There’s something energetic, almost electric with the space. And this is exactly what we’re trying to say. Cool hues can do just that and so much more.

There is so much to the color spectrum for you to experiment with. Take some paint swatches with you when you paint your home so that you can have a better understanding of the actual effect it will have and don’t be afraid to mix and match. Cool undertones don’t clash with each other and they work pretty well with basic neutral backdrops.

Minimalism is king

Minimalism is a trend that has taken on fairly recently but it’s surely something that we see staying for the long term. And why not? For one, it’s great at opening up the space and making it feel bigger and brighter. It has less clutter which also means that there are less stuff to clean and less dust and debris to worry about.

It’s easy on the eyes and can be very relaxing after a long day from work. More than that, minimalist interior design trends mean that you pay less for renovations so that’s a plus in terms of design and budget right off the bat. In this kitchen area, we kept it clean and seamless by only including essential elements and it really opened up the space with a lot of extra clearance to move around in.

Indoor plants for the win

Indoor plants have been around for quite some time now but they have really shot up to popularity since the pandemic. And frankly speaking, we aren’t complaining. They literally and figuratively bring live to the space. They also bring in a splash of color that can break up an otherwise monochromatic design.

In this fairly neutral bathroom décor, we kept it simple with an off-white and warm brown tile backdrop but the piece de resistance was really the hanging plant affixed to a wall sconce. It’s interesting how the tiniest of details can make the most impact at the end of the day.

Go for flexible spaces

Traditionally, sections or areas of the home had designated functions or uses from dining areas and home offices to living rooms and so on. However, more and more people are appreciating the practicality of flexible and multi-functional spaces as this makes the most out of the area.

This is vital since a majority of living spaces are fairly limited, making every square inch of the home quite precious. We can’t really afford any dead spaces these days with the rising cost of real estate. This kitchen we’ve designed below doubles over as a dining area via the shared wooden countertop, eliminating the need for an extra room meant for the dining room or kitchen area to be separated.

We also incorporated a tiny work area in an otherwise dead nook for more flexibility of the occupants. This is definitely an interior design trend we don’t see going away anytime soon. Check out more of Swiss Interior’s design portfolio for more inspiration.

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